

特首講文革原文 (明報) 10月 12日 星期五 10:45PM


Host: I was struck by one phrase at the end of the policy address, towards the end of the conclusion, you say, we promote democratic development without compromising social stability or government efficiency, that kind of implies that democratic development does compromise social stability or government efficiency?

Donald Tsang: It can, it can, if we go to the extreme, people go to the extreme, and you have a cultural revolution, for instance, in China. When people take everything into their hands, then you cannot govern the place. And eh, the similar thing is...for instance...

Host: But Cultural Revolution wasn't really an extreme example of democracy.

Donald Tsang: What is it? People taking power into their own hands! Now, this is what it means by democracy, if you take it to the full swing. In other democracies, even if you have an elected  person, then you overturn the policy in California, for instance, you have initiative number, number, number what, then you overturn policy taken by the government, that's not necessarily conducive to efficient government.

~ 我又唔覺佢咁講有乜問題, 佢講緊extreme喎, 不過就真係難聽o左o的.
~ democracy應該唔會咁extreme o既.
~ 但係而家香港真係有o的extreme誤解democracy o既人喎, 你睇電視新聞見到o架.