
西方媒體報道 偏見二字加「」

西方媒體報道 偏見二字加「」 (明報) 04月 21日 星期一 05:05AM





美聯社等西方媒體,在報道中提及CNN主持卡弗蒂的辱華爭議時,幾乎全都用上CNN的自辯說法(只是批評中國政府而非中國人),淡化了卡弗蒂明確的侮辱中國人言論。美聯社便有這一段﹕「Several thousand ethnic Chinese protesters …… demand the firing of a commentator who recently compared China's leaders to a "bunch of goons and thugs"」。

美聯社還有這麼兩段「背景」補充﹕「There has also been a backlash against Western media organizations, especially broadcaster CNN, for what is perceived as biased reporting on recent unrest in Tibet and neighboring provinces. Foreign journalists have received threatening phone calls and e-mails.」、「A wave of verbal assaults on foreign media has raised concerns about media controls at the Olympics.」。
